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Most Advanced 3 Tesla MRI at CNC

A fully digital high-field (3.0 Tesla) MRI system with high performance gradient systems has been installed at Citi Neuro Centre in December 2017, to augment its diagnostic armamentarium. It is amongst the most powerful and advanced units in the world. The unit provides exceptional image quality with shorter scan durations.

The wide bore of the MRI unit as well as the interiors of the MRI room have been modelled to reduce patient anxiety and claustrophobia. The system has advanced imaging protocols to facilitate accurate diagnosis in neuro, cardiac, musculoskeletal and body imaging.

The system, which is has several cutting edge technologies such as - Ultrafast imaging protocols, Motion correction techniques that allow imaging of irritable and uncooperative patients, brain diffusion and perfusion studies, Arterial spin labelling, Functional MRI, MR spectroscopy, Diffusion tensor imaging, Whole body diffusion studies, Advanced cardiac imaging applications include myocardial perfusion and viability studies and Non-contrast MR Angiography

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